Confirmation Call

Coming Soon!

First Calls are our initial alert on newly launched tokens, offering early insights into potential investment opportunities. However, these calls often come with limited data since calls are made in the early market stages. They might present excellent short-term gains but can also pose significant risks for medium to long-term investments due to their initial unpredictability.

To mitigate these risks and improve investment decision-making, we are developing Confirmation Calls. This feature will leverage continuous monitoring of on-chain activities and social data, feeding this information into our advanced data analytics models. These models are trained on a broad dataset from multiple token calls to recognize patterns that signal a token’s transition from initial unpredictability to a more promising opportunity.

Confirmation Calls act as a crucial second layer of analysis. After a token’s First Call, our system continues to track its performance, watching for signs increased market confidence. When our models identify a token that shows promise beyond the initial trading phase, a Confirmation Call is issued. This call suggests that the token has begun to establish a more reliable pattern and is gaining traction on social platforms.

Confirmation Calls are currently in development and will be available as a premium service to our subscribers. We will keep our users informed with an official announcement as soon as the Confirmation Calls feature is ready to be launched.

Last updated