Process Flow

Our Ecosystem takes a systematic approach to collect, analyze, and disseminate actionable crypto insights.

Apex AI is engineered to provide intelligent, real-time crypto investment insights through Telegram, using an advanced neural network to analyze blockchain data and social media sentiment. The process involves a dynamic user interaction and continuous data monitoring.

Process Flow Diagram

Components Overview

  1. User Interaction on Telegram: Users can interact through natural language inputs to initiate queries or receive push notifications.

  2. Context and Keywords Extractor: Extracts relevant keywords and contextual cues from the user input to guide data fetching processes.

  3. Query Generator: Generates scripts dynamically to fetch data from blockchain transactions and social media platforms.

  4. Feature Store and Data Transformation: Acts as a repository where raw data is transformed into structured features suitable for analysis.

  5. Smart Bots Integrated Across Telegram Communities: These bots pull unique data from various crypto Telegram communities and feed it into the Feature Store.

  6. Data Indexing and Parsing: Prepares the transformed data for quick access and efficient handling during analysis.

  7. Apex AI Brain: Our advanced neural network and data analysis engine Analyzes the indexed data continuously, updating outputs in real-time as new data arrives.

  8. Signals Ranking Algorithm: Prioritizes signals generated by the Data Analysis Engine based on their relevance and potential value.

Data Flow

Push Signal Notification

  • Continuous Monitoring: Our algorithms continuously monitor data from various sources, including direct queries to our blockchain node.

  • Data Analysis: The Data Analysis Engine processes and analyzes the incoming data in real-time, searching for predefined conditions or thresholds.

  • Condition Matching: When specific conditions or thresholds are met, the system prepares to generate and send notifications.

  • Generate Signal: A signal is generated based on the analysis, which includes key insights and actionable information.

  • Send Notification: The system automatically sends a push notification to the user via Telegram, providing timely investment signals or critical crypto updates.

User-Prompted Query Response

  • User Query: Users initiate queries via Telegram, requesting information or analysis on specific crypto assets or market condition.

  • Extract Context and Keywords: The Context and Keywords Extractor processes the user's input to identify relevant terms and the nature of the query.

  • Code Generation: The Code Generator dynamically creates scripts or queries tailored to fetch the required data. This includes directly querying our blockchain node for precise transaction data.

  • Execute Data Fetching: Our system runs its own blockchain node, eliminating reliance on external node providers and enhancing data security and query efficiency. The full node maintains a complete, up-to-date copy of the blockchain, enabling real-time data access and processing.

  • Data Aggregation and Transformation: Data fetched is aggregated and transformed in the Feature Store, formatted suitably for detailed analysis.

  • Data Analysis: The transformed data undergoes analysis by the Data Analysis Engine to extract insights tailored to the user’s query.

  • Generate Response: Based on the analysis, a personalized response is crafted, focusing on providing precise and actionable insights.

  • Send Response to User: The response is delivered to the user via Telegram, completing the query-response cycle.

Last updated